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Monday, August 20, 2012

Who Gets Treated By Phentermine?

Can obese people be treated by Phentermine? Definitely! Phentermine is one of the many effective prescription medicines available in the market today that aids people who are in dire need of losing weight. If you doubt this weight loss pill, read on and see how this weight loss drug can be considered as a ticket to that much-desired figure of obese and overweight people.
How It Treats Obesity?
Phentermine helps obese people gain back that perfect shape by suppressing the number one contributor to weight gain and obesity, which is the appetite. One who is under Phentermine treatment will experience decrease of appetite as the drug has the capacity to make the person feel less hungry all the time.
Once this drug is taken, it will interact with the person’s brain and will change the level of the neurotransmitters or the brain chemicals that are responsible for the person’s mood and appetite. The drug’s main job is to control these nerves that boost the appetite and make you feel hungry. This makes Phentermine very effective in helping obese people manage and control their weight.
The Right Dosage
Like any other weight loss pill and drug, this anti-obesity drug must be taken at the right dosage.  Phentermine is a prescription medicine, meaning you cannot just take your own version of dosage no matter how serious or how fast you want the weight loss process to be.  Remember, the right dosage is a must for you to get full benefits from the drug as well as limit any possibility of side effects and complications. Normally, Phentermine dosage ranges from 15 to 37.5 mg, which can be taken either in capsule or tablet form. The right dosage depends on a person’s age, level of obesity, and health condition. 
Who Can Be Treated by Phentermine?
People who have obesity problems are those who can take full advantage of this drug. However, it is to be noted that not every obese person can be treated by Phentermine.
Obesity has two types- the endogenous and exogenous. The first is characterized by people who suffer from the condition due to a certain medical issue such as slow metabolism rate. The latter, on the other hand, speaks of those who suffer from obesity due to uncontrolled appetite and poor physical activity. Phentermine is usually recommended to those people under exogenous obesity.
Moreover, obese people 17 years old and above should be happy because their condition can be treated with Phentermine. However, if you fall below this age group or have certain medical conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, glaucoma, thyroid conditions, or if you are pregnant, treatment with Phentermine is only possible through a doctor’s recommendation. This is not due to the effectiveness of the pill in these groups of people but with the risks of complications and side effects when taken by younger individuals and those suffering from existing medical conditions.
Besides people with obesity problems, people who are overweight can also be treated by Phentermine. Overweight people are those who weighs more than what is normal for their age and height. Phentermine can be a good drug to aid overweight people in managing their weight through appetite control and change of lifestyle such as eating habits and exercise routines.
When and How to Take Phentermine for Weight Loss?
Phentermine should be taken orally with an empty stomach, preferably in the morning a few minutes before eating breakfast. Basically, this drug must be taken only once per day. It is not recommended to take more than the recommended dose a day as getting more tablets a day will not mean faster weight loss but can risk your chances of experiencing side effects and complications.
Phentermine treatment can be the answer to people who have overweight and obesity issues. With this drug, good results can be expected, especially when Phentermine is taken with care and caution. Plus, coupled with the right diet and exercise, Phentermine can really be an effective solution when managing and controlling weight.

Is Phentermine Recommended for Overweight Children?

Obesity is an issue which plaques a broad spectrum of people. According to the research of the WorldWatch organization, there are more than 1.9 billion people around the globe that are considered overweight. Wherein, over 155 million kids or 10% of the world’s children are obese. The World Health Organization further states that close to 35 million overweight children are living in developing countries and 8 million in developed countries. Although obesity is once considered a high-income country problem, obesity is now on the rise even on low and middle-income countries.
Facing the Double Burden of Childhood Obesity
The growing percentage of obese adult and children in our society is dramatically increasing over the years which make obesity as the fifth leading risk for death worldwide. The health problems brought about by the excess weight in our body can be the root cause of different serious diseases. Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and sleep apnea are few among the several medical health problems children can get being burdened by excess fat in their growing body.
Aside from the health and physical problems that overweight children encounter, physiological and emotional effects are present as well. Loss of self-esteem and depression are usually experienced by overweight children. They are often bullied in school and rarely asked to join activities because of their condition. More often than not, kids their age avoid playing with them which can add to the emotional burden of the child. The alarming rate of overweight children and the difficult situation they go through requires urgent effective methods to help kids overcome childhood obesity. 
Treatment for Overweight Children
To improve the condition of overweight children and eventually fight their struggle with obesity, the whole family should practice good eating habits and healthy lifestyle. Parents in particular should be the support system of the child to do away with the things that triggers them in gaining more weight than their age requires. Support from family and friends together with a health care professional, if deemed necessary, is greatly encouraged to assist the obese child reach his weight loss goal.
However, overweight children find it very difficult to adopt new activities and adjust to eating patterns that parents might impose to them. So, what can be a better way to lose the excess weight of an obese child? Does treating severely overweight children through diet pills seem a feasible option?
Diet pill is a weight loss tool that can also be an option for severely overweight children. However it can only be used upon the prescription and proper monitoring of a health care professional. Although phentermine in terms of effectiveness can give significant weight loss result to overweight child, there are a lot of things to consider before deciding to push through this kind of weight loss solution. For one, the side effect of phentermine is something that a child cannot endure. Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and dry mouth are only a few of the uncomfortable side effects that a child may go through if phentermine is considered as an approach for losing weight.
The Use of Phentermine for Overweight Children
The use of phentermine for overweight children should be thoroughly evaluated in order to weigh the risk and possible advantages it can create for the welfare of the child. Diet pills should not be considered an option unless it is deemed necessary by the physician. Other weight loss measures should be considered before opting to use phentermine in children.
Obesity among children can be safely treated if parents would provide nutritious meals that would properly support growth of the child. Spending less time in front of TV, computer and avoiding sedentary activities will promote more activities that require their body to move. Introduce engaging activities that will encourage the child to workout. Instill healthy lifestyle to the overweight child that he/she will enjoy while keeping the weight in control. Losing weight is a gradual process.
Overweight children can still be saved from being obese adults through patience and understanding. The safer side of treating obesity through healthy eating and programmed exercise is still the best way in helping the child lose weight.  If this can’t work, the use of Phentermine is the next best option. 

What is the Composition of Phentermine?

Phentermine is a weight loss drug that is known for its efficiency in controlling the appetite. It works to activate brain neurotransmitters, which tells the brain to stop eating because it brings the feeling of fullness. So, what makes Phentermine work effectively in controlling the appetite? Read on and find out the composition of Phentermine that makes it a wonder drug for those suffering from weight problems.
The Active Ingredient of Phentermine
What are the active ingredients of Phentermine? The main ingredient of this anti-obesity drug is Phentermine hydrochloride. This ingredient is an odorless, white, crystalline, and hygrospic powder that is water soluble. This substance is considered as an anorectic agent that must be consumed orally.
The hydrochloride works as a stimulant in the body's central nervous system, which results in suppressing the appetite. Besides weight loss, hydrochloride can also work to change the body's metabolism.
Phentermine hydrochloride pills can differ in dosage. Dosage options range from 15 to 37.5 mg. The Phentermine dosage given to each patient depends upon the needs and condition of the individual.
More Facts about Hydrochloride
Being the active ingredient of this anti-obesity drug, it is just necessary for you to know more about this substance. Hydrochloride in Phentermine is approved by the Food and Drug Administration in aiding with weight loss.
However, caution must be practiced when taking this drug because it can interact negatively with other medications such as anti-depressants and drugs for diabetes and high blood pressure. This is the reason why a proper prescription is needed before taking Phentermine for weight loss.
Moreover, the active ingredient Phentermine hydrochloride is approved for short-term use only. It is even not recommended for children as well as pregnant and nursing women. This is true because this active ingredient can lead to certain side effects such as dizziness, increased high blood pressure, dry mouth, insomnia, chest pain, and the like.
Other Ingredients of Phentermine
This anti-obesity drug has a lot of other ingredients than hydrochloride. However, all of these other ingredients are inactive. Some ingredients work to give the pills their color like dyes. Other chemicals composing the Phentermine pills are titanium dioxide, talc, gelatin, and corn starch. All these ingredients work to aide in proper absorption and pill preservation.
Generic versus Branded Phentermine
Today, you will see both generic and branded Phentermine pills. Take note, however, that even if their names and prices differ from one another, their composition is still basically the same. Some manufacturers simply produce Phentermine pills using different inactive ingredients in branded Phentermine that makes their color, form, and shape different from generic Phentermine.
Despite the slight differences in the composition of branded Phentermine, they all produce the same results as that of their generic counterparts. For instance, Adipex-P, a branded Phentermine pill, is an instant action capsule while another branded pill called Ionamin is a slow acting pill.
The latter is set in resin so that the active ingredient in the pill will slowly be released into the bloodstream. But, no matter how different their ingredients are, they are all still efficient in dealing with weight because they have the same major composition, which is hydrochloride.
Herbal Phentermine Composition
Today, there is the so-called herbal Phentermine that can work the same way as the real Phentermine drug. However, its composition is different as it uses natural ingredients to give the same effects in the end. Some people prefer this kind of Phentermine over its counterpart because it is said to offer no side effects while achieving the same results.
Some of herbal Phentermine's active ingredients are green tea extract, L-carnitine, alpha-lipoic acid, biotin, black pepper, and black tea. Green tea can work to burn calories and also boost energy.
Phentermine is no doubt an effective drug that aids in losing weight. Its composition alone is enough proof that it will work for the suppression of appetite and basically lead to achieving the ideal weight.

Available Alternatives to Phentermine Online

First among the list of weight loss medications is Phentermine. Purchase of phentermine online has quickly risen in the ranks as an effective weight loss pill in the market. Several obese people have already tried Phentermine and greatly pleased with the progress they have made.
Phentermine as an effective weight loss tool is capable of providing relief from obesity within a short time frame. It is usually prescribed in a span of 7-12 weeks only, after which weight loss enthusiast can already notice substantial amount of weight loss.
Although Phentermine has promising weight loss abilities there are still other things that must be considered as well. Phentermine is only prescribed to severely obese people whose life is at risk because of too much weight.  It is classified as controlled substance because of tendencies to abuse this medication. Prescription from a licensed physician is needed in order to buy phentermine online. There are several websites that offers phentermine purchase online. Use of phentermine poses adverse reactions and various side effects to one’s health if dispensed without your doctor’s recommendation. However, there are also alternatives to phentermine if you decide to lose weight with the help of diet pills.
Alternatives for Phentermine
Obese people could consider herbal Phentermine as alternative to phentermine prescription.  Herbal Phentermine works similar with the prescription drug since it also contains the same appetite suppressing properties. Herbal phentermine is made from plants and herb extracts such as L-Carnitine, hodia gordinii, white willow extracts, alpha lipoic acid, green tea extracts plus healthy anti-oxidants that naturally aids in body cleansing and increases body metabolism.
Herbal phentermine is a very popular alternative to phentermine since it can be purchased without prescription from a doctor. The non-prescription herbal phentermine is an all natural dietary supplement that contain fewer side effects. Herbal phentermine is scientifically designed to create similar effects to FDA approved prescription phentermine version.  
There are a lot of other alternatives to phentermine online. Most of these contains different ingredients but works just the same with the popular phentermine weight loss drug. These are appetite suppressant supplements heavily marketed even for online order over the internet. Buyers will not anymore experience any hassle in taking these alternatives since it can be bought without prescriptions.
Phentermine Alternatives Contain Herbal Ingredients
The alternative non prescription diet pills have natural ingredients which act as appetite suppressants, while others have chemicals which promote faster metabolism and fat burning. Herbal phentermine and other alternatives to phentermine are based on different formulations but all of them claim to promote only one thing, weight loss.
If you opt to buy phentermine online or diet pills that can be considered alternatives to phentermine, you have to make sure that you search for the information before you go ahead. Consult your physician before taking any non-prescription diet pills or buying phentermine online, especially if you have any pre-existing medical condition.
In general, alternatives to phentermine can be bought at a much lower cost. They are also available in several health stores and online stores. These can also be taken in a longer period of time which allows more time to shed off more weight.
Exercise and Healthy Eating as an Alternative to Phentermine
Lifestyle modification through exercise and balanced diet can be considered the most efficient alternative to phentermine. Obese people need to stay positive and focused even if the results do not show up immediately. Losing weight is a gradual process that requires constant effort in improving your habits. Obese people need to leave behind the sedentary lifestyle and bad eating habits to achieve weight loss success.

Phentermine Side Effects: What to Know About Them

Almost all medicines can cause side effects. Phentermine is no exception. However, the side effects of Phentermine are often mild, not to mention that side effects of Phentermine can only attack once taken inappropriately.
One of the main reasons why Phentermine is prescribed for short-term basis is because it can bring in side effects due to prolonged use. Hence, physicians are strict about using Phentermine for a short period of time only. Besides prolonged usage, Phentermine side effects can take effect when the patient is given a dosage that is too high. Since this drug is chemically-related to amphetamine, it can cause similar side effects, which are subtle and tolerable if taken with the right dosage.
Common Side Effects of Phentermine
Commonly, Phentermine can give mild side effects only. More often than not, patients can tolerate these side effects and so are not taken as a major threat to the health. Some of the minor side effects this drug can offer are the following:
  • Dizziness
  • Insomnia
  • Mood changes
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Hyperactivity
  • Restlessness
  • Dry mouth
  • Headache
  • Nervousness
  • Confusion
  • Irritability
  • Clumsiness
  • Increased thirst
  • Nausea

Less common side effects of Phentermine include hallucinations, panic, stomach cramps, shaking, overactive reflexes, aggressive behavior, impotence, and psychosis. Severe allergic reactions are often less common side effects as well. Allergic reactions can be characterized by itching, rash, hives, face swelling, redness, wheezing, and tightness in the chest.
Given the number of mild side effects of Phentermine, there may be serious risks and complications that this drug can offer. Though they are known risks, they do not frequently occur. Some of these side effects that rarely occur when taking Phentermine include chest pain, difficulty in breathing, ankle or feet swelling, pulmonary hypertension, high or low blood pressure, cardiac valvular disease, seizure, and palpitations.
How to Counter Side Effects of Phentermine
The side effects of Phentermine do not say that it is a dangerous drug. What everyone must know is that the side effects of Phentermine can be countered if the patient is knowledgeable about the proper dosage and intake of a drug like this.
Now that you are familiar with the side effects of Phentermine, it will be a good point to take note of these side effects and monitor yourself while taking the drug. If you experience any of the above-mentioned side effects as well as other suspicious symptoms, it is best to seek the help of your doctor right away. Your doctor can help you deal with the symptoms as well as evaluate your body’s response to Phentermine so the dosage can be changed for your advantage.
Moreover, it can be a practical idea that before you take Phentermine, you discuss with your doctor the possibilities of experiencing side effects. He can educate you on how to deal with the side effect at hand so you don’t get surprised once you experience one already.
Furthermore, avoiding side effects of Phentermine is possible. Even if you can counter the side effects of Phentermine, prevention is still the better answer to the problem. One way to avoid the side effects that can be thrown to you by Phentermine is to follow the prescription as provided by your doctor. Make sure you take the right dosage, take it at the right time, and stop it once ordered.
Take note that the side effects of Phentermine can more often be experienced if it is taken wrongly. Taking more than the prescribed dosage for a long period of time can even give birth to the life-threatening complications and side effects of the drug.
The side effects of Phentermine can start from mild to serious ones. Take note that like any other medications, the side effects can be avoided given the right usage of the drug. Partnered with the right knowledge on Phentermine and its risks, safely taking advantage of this drug is more than possible.